Monday, 17 May 2010


Images of Borrelia DNA in Alzheimer's Disease brain tissue- Including Specific DNA probes for Borrelia Flagellin DNA( A DNA sequence which is NOT present in the human genome) which glows Green when it finds its Target DNA in Alzheimer's brain tissue.Also illustrated in this short video are the concepts of TRANS SYNAPTIC transmission of infection in Rabies,and in Herpes Zoster/Shingles.Infections INSIDE of a nerve cell are transmitted Across Synapse connections to neighboring Nerve cells. Borrelia spirochetes gain access to the interior regions of nerve cells and are also\capable of "JUMPING' across Synapses to infect neighboring Nerve cells. Networks of Connected nerve cells (NEURAL CIRCUITS) then become infected by Trans-synaptic transmission. This "NETWORK" of infected nerve cells in the brain explains the PATTERN of Sequential destruction of Brain tissue in the Braak Stages of Alzheimer's Disease through the Braak stages I,II,III, IV, V , VI.For more information please visit the Molecular Alzheimer website at

Further research has been done by Judith Miklossy who also found Borrelia DNA in the brains of Alzheimer's patients.

Judith also found spyrochetes(not necessarily Borrelia as there are other spyrochetal infections) in every one of the 14 patients she studied who had died of Alzheimer's, in their blood, spinal fluid and brain. In her control group of 16 who had not died of Alzheimer's she found no spyrochetes.

She goes on to say

'Highest priority should be given to this emerging field of research. It may have major implications for public health, treatment, and prevention as adequate anti-bacterial and anti-viral drugs are available. Treatment of a bacterial infection and associated viral infection may result in regression and, if started early, prevention of the disease. The impact on reducing health-care costs would be substantial.
As it is the case for syphilitic paretic dementia, one may prevent and eradicate them'

To read more click here

This is Lyme Disease Awareness month and many will not be aware of the possibility that Lyme Disease, Borrelia could be the cause of their Alzheimer's. Certainly with the state of the controversy over diagnosis and treatment of Lyme Disease they will probably never have been assessed properly.

Pam Weintraube author of Cure Unknown has a lot to say in her book about the cognitive problems associated with Lyme Disease.

The following are two extracts from one of her many articles she wrote in Psychology Today.

Shadowland of the mind.

'Then I realized something I had never fully grasped despite my research, despite my own Lyme disease. Unless you have personally encountered the shadowland of the most afflicted patients-a world eclipsed by strange lapses of memory, broken speech, and the struggle to follow the simplest train of thought-you cannot begin to fathom the dense, disabling fog that may accompany the disease.'

'The German researcher Kohler had even reported a staging of the psychiatric symptoms that paralleled progression in the neurological realm. In the first stage, mild depression could parallel a fibromyalgia-like illness. In the second stage, mood and personality disorders often emerged alongside meningitis or neuropathy. Finally, in stage three, with the onset of encephalomyelitis, the clinical picture might include psychosis or dementia.'

To read more from Pam Weintraube see here Shadowland of the Mind in three parts but on the right hand side there are links to many more of her articles on Lyme Disease.

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