Friday 8 June 2012


An interesting new Wesbsite Lyme Research UK here

Lyme Research UK consists of a group of researchers whose main aim is to explore and engage with research that is related to policy and practice on tick-borne infections (TBI’s) in the UK and Eire.

Results from recent surveys were published and can be found on the above website here and here and were also presented at the recent Conference organised by Tick Talk Ireland here 

Well done to Kate for spearheading this project - so much more research needs to be done here in the UK on every aspect of tickborne diseases.

Other recent news from BADAUK is that Dr James Logan is now their Honarary President details here  

Dr James Logan has been taking a group of students on Exmoor the last few days looking for ticks here is one of his tweets
We dragged towel over some grass on Exmoor for 30 seconds and caught more than 100 ticks! That's how easy it is to pick them up!'


 all ricinus'

Good work  Dr Logan lets hope he is able to do so much more to  help raise awareness of the possibilities of contracting Lyme Disease and other tickborne illnesses here in the UK.

Wednesday 6 June 2012


A series of papers on Bartonella are found at this link  here from North Carolina State University

Dr. Breitschwerdt has been working on Bartonella infection in animals and people. 

(Dr Breitschwerdt made an excellent presentation at the Institute of Medicine workshop link here  in 2010.)

These three latest articles raise many important findings and questions:-

difficulties culturing the bacteria.

30 different species -13 found to infect humans

finding Bartonella in patients with Chronic illnesses - migraines, seizures, Rheumatoid illnesses, endocarditis 

Bartonella is found in red blood cells making diagnosis and treatment difficult and possibly causing multi organ and multisystem illnesses.

It may have implications for the Blood Banks.

May be passed on by biting insects and ticks.

We need more research and better understanding from the medical community.

Go to the above link to read the full articles.

It is excellent to see this important work but no surprises to those Lyme Literate doctors who have been finding Bartonella infection in many patients diagnosed with Chronic Lyme Disease - just another infection in what is increasingly being recognised as a Multi-Sytemic Infectious Diseases Syndrome.