Sunday 24 February 2013


For more than 30 years there has been discussion about whether Lyme Disease can continue into a Late Chronic stage of illness. 

Published in The Open Neurology Journal Volume 6 a series of papers on 

Chronic or Late Lyme Neuroborreliosis: Present and Future link 

Included in this important series of papers:- 

 Chronic or Late Lyme Neuroborreliosis: 
Analysis of Evidence Compared to Chronic or Late Neurosyphilis, 2012; 6: Pp. 146-157
Judith Miklossy
Published Date: (28 December, 2012)

Whether spirochetes persist in affected host tissues and cause the late/chronic manifestations of neurosyphilis was the subject of long-lasting debate. Detection of Treponema pallidum in the brains of patients with general paresis es-tablished a direct link between persisting infection and tertiary manifestations of neurosyphilis.Today, the same question is in the center of debate with respect to Lyme disease. The goal of this review was to compare the established pathological features of neurosyphilis with those available for Lyme neuroborreliosis. If the main tertiary forms of neurosyphilis also occur in Lyme neuroborreliosis and Borrelia burgdorferi can be detected in brain lesions would indicate that the spirochete is responsible for the neuropsychiatric manifestations of late/chronic Lyme neurobor-reliosis.The substantial amounts of data available in the literature show that the major forms of late/chronic Lyme neuroborreliosis (meningovascular and meningoencephalitis) are clinically and pathologically confirmed. Borrelia burgdorferi was de-tected in association with tertiary brain lesions and cultivated from the affected brain or cerebrospinal fluid. The accumu-lated data also indicate that Borrelia burgdorferi is able to evade from destruction by the host immune reactions, persist in host tissues and sustain chronic infection and inflammation. These observations represent evidences that Borrelia burgdorferi in an analogous way to Treponema pallidum is responsible for the chronic/late manifestations of Lyme neuroborreliosis.Late Lyme neuroborreliosis is accepted by all existing guidelines in Europe, US and Canada. The terms chronic and late are synonymous and both define tertiary neurosyphilis or tertiary Lyme neuroborreliosis. The use of chronic and late Lymeneuroborreliosis as different entities is inaccurate and can be confusing. Further pathological investigations and the detection of spirochetes in infected tissues and body fluids are strongly needed.

Go to the above links for access to the full PDF and other papers on this subject.

There are many excellent manuscripts guiding present and future research for Lyme disease, such as Brian Fallon at Lyme and Tick-borne Diseases Research Center, Columbia University  here  

Judith Miklossy has worked in the field of Lyme Neuroboreliosis  and the field of Alzheimer's research for some years, her website for links to her work is here 

From Judith's website -

'Highest priority should be given to this emerging field of research. It may have major implications for public health, treatment, and prevention of Alzheimer disease as adequate anti-bacterial drugs are available. Treatment of a bacterial infection may result in regression and, if started early, prevention of the disease. The impact on reducing health-care costs would be substantial. As it was the case for paretic dementia in syphilis, one may prevent and eradicate dementia in Alzheimer disease.'

also links to Prevention Alzheimer International Foundation here

'The goal of the foundation is to support and accelerate this new emerging field of research on Alzheimer's disease and related chronic inflammatory disorders. Some pathogens have been already analyzed and serological and diagnostic tests for their detection are commercially available. Others still need to be characterized in order to detect and eradicate them'

Clearly much work needs to be done and funding is needed urgently, contributions can be sent to Prevention Alzheimer International Foundation details can be found through the above link

Note this is an International tax exempt foundation and research center as they represent the cause of patients Internationally without any frontiers. 

Address postal: Prevention Alzheimer International Foundation
1921 Martigny-Croix, CP 16, CH-1921, Switzerland
Tel: + 41 27 722 0652;
Cell: + 41 79 207 4442                                                    
President Judith Miklossy MD, PhD, DSc 
Banque Cantonale du Valais, 1950 Sion, Switzerland
IBAN: CH71 0076 5001 0105 7880 3,  Account number: 101 057 8803  -  63452

Donations can be transferred to the bank account of the foundation, the online payment will be available later. 

Monday 18 February 2013



Int J Med Sci 2013; 10(4):362-376. doi:10.7150/ijms.5698

Research Paper
Improved Culture Conditions for the Growth and Detection of Borrelia from Human Serum
Eva Sapi1,2 Corresponding address, Namrata Pabbati1, Akshita Datar1, Ellen M Davies1, Amy Rattelle1, Bruce A Kuo1
1. Research Division of Advanced Laboratory Services Philadelphia PA, USA;
2. Department of Biology and Environmental Science, University of New Haven, West Haven CT, USA.
How to cite this article:
Sapi E, Pabbati N, Datar A, Davies EM, Rattelle A, Kuo BA. Improved Culture Conditions for the Growth and Detection ofBorrelia from Human Serum. Int J Med Sci 2013; 10(4):362-376. doi:10.7150/ijms.5698. Available from


In this report we present a method to cultivate Borrelia spirochetes from human serum samples with high efficiency. This method incorporates improved sample collection, optimization of culture media and use of matrix protein. The method was first optimized utilizing Borrelia laboratory strains, and later by demonstrating growth of Borrelia from sera from fifty seropositive Lyme disease patients followed by another cohort of 72 Lyme disease patients, all of whom satisfied the strict CDC surveillance case definition for Lyme disease. The procedure resulted in positive cultures in 47% at 6 days and 94% at week 16. Negative controls included 48 cases. The positive identification of Borrelia was performed by immunostaining, PCR, and direct DNA sequencing.

In summary, this report provides evidence for the value of a novel method for culturing Borrelia from human serum samples. The inclusion of key components such as modified culture media plus a unique culture environment has resulted in an improvement in the ability to cultivate this organism. This new culture method directly addresses the issue of the low numbers of Borrelia in clinical samples by amplifying their quantity through long term culture in which Borrelia were able to thrive for as long as eight months (data not shown). The versatility of this method allows for samples to be harvested from the culture at any point in time for further study, and it also serves as a source of Borrelia for a variety of direct detection techniques as well as for additional research. Finally, this unique culture method could play an important role in providing useful diagnostic information for select Lyme disease patients who might have tested negatively by other methods.


The authors thank Dr. Joseph Burrascano, Jr., Dr. Alan MacDonald and Dr. Parkash Gill for helpful discussion.

Go to the link to read the full paper here 

Tuesday 5 February 2013


JPMorgan's $6 Billion Case of Lyme Disease

A central reason a bank known for its mastery of risk management could make such a huge mistake: One of its top executives, chief investment officer Ina Drew, 55, succumbed to the most human of problems: She got sick, apparently with Lyme Disease and, starting in 2010, missed out on chunks of time in the office, where she had been managing clashing personalities and internal rivalries and making sure that no one took on too much risk.

This was posted in Forbes in May 2012  here and also in The New York Times here 

So clearly as Ms Drew was having time off sick in 2010 and 2011 with her Lyme Disease she was not cured by a few weeks antibiotics advocated by our IDSA Lyme Disease Guidelines.

Not only have these IDSA Lyme Disease guidelines wrecked havoc on thousands of patients lives around the World, because doctors adhering to those guidelines refuse ongoing treatment that for many of us have restored our health and lives, but also it would seem they may have been instrumental in the loss of Billions from JP Morgan's and thus contributed to the World banking crisis and recessions most countries are struggling with today.

It is way past time Lyme Disease and other Borreliosis and Tickborne Diseases were properly recognised for what they are capable of being, chronic, relapsing and persistent infections. 

Perhaps Ms Drew with her background and  now experience of Lyme Disease will put her weight into advocating for that recognition to come about. Science is there that shows the IDSA Guidelines to be too restricted with many uncertainties, it is having the will to look at the science and help the patients.


Reform the Infectious Disease Society of America Treatment Guidelines for Lyme Disease

Lyme disease is at epidemic levels, posing a significant threat to public health. Lyme can lead to chronic and debilitating effects if not properly treated. Lyme is leaving masses of people in progressive states of illness and financial ruin. The Infectious Diseases Society of America's treatment guidelines are to blame, they promote the idea that Lyme is a simple, rare illness that is easily cured with 30 days of antibiotics. This is not true. Insurance companies are denying payments for medications even when deemed medically necessary after 30 days. Doctors who treat Lyme patients are being investigated and prosecuted for not conforming to such guidelines. Please sign this petition to reform IDSA guidelines and allow doctors NOT Insurance companies, to decide what is medically necessary.

The above is a petition to the Obama administration which can be found here  

Please go to and sign this petition, everyone throughout the World has their treatment influenced by these outdated Lyme Disease Guidelines and so it is in all our interests to sign this petition. You can register and sign from outside US.
It must be signed before February 10th 2013.