Thursday, 6 September 2012


Invisibly Ill Video Sneak Preview

This interesting video preview can be watched here 

Bec is currently writing, directing and producing a series of self-funded educational documentaries entitled Invisibly Ill

This sneak preview starts with interviews with Californian Microbiologist Prof Garth Nicolson, founder of the Institute of Molecular Medicine and New Jersey Psychiatrist Dr Robert Bransfield, President of the International Lyme and Associated Diseases Educational Foundation

Dr Bransfield - I think one way to think of it is, if you have chronic infection that adversely affects the brain it has different affects at different points in a person's life.

If it affects fetal development we see developmental diseases and Autism.
If it is in middle life we see depression, anxiety and cognitive impairments.
If it is in early life and sometimes fetal it may show as psychosis like Bipolar or Schizophrenia.
If it is in later life it can be associated with Dementia.

But in all those cases what they have in common is there's a provocation of the immune system and there's close communication between the immune system and the nervous system.

Prof Nicolson - Stealth infections are in general bacterial but some cases viral infections, that can get inside and hide inside cells and they can't be seen by the immune system

Dr Bransfield - Chronic persistent low grade infections

Prof Nicolson - The most common stealth infections related to Chronic Illnesses are number one Mycoplasma, Chlamydia Pneumonia, Borrelia Burgdorferi which is one of the causative components of Lyme Disease a complex illness involving not only Borrelia but Mycoplasma and other infections as well.

Dr Bransfield - Babesia comes up and certain viruses Herpes 1,2,6, Toxoplasmosis but there's other infections that are not well identified and those are invariably as a group, these slow growing relapsing stealth infections that stay in the body in a low grade way and slowly impact and have affect over time.

Prof Nicolson - All these infections spread throughout the body and tend to end up in the central nervous system where they can cause tremendous damage.

That's just the start so go to the link to watch several speakers on this subject.

Great work Bec I look forward to watching more and visiting your website for further information here  

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