Sunday 1 January 2012


Anyone with a Multiple Sclerosis diagnosis or anyone with neurological symptoms or a Lyme Disease diagnosis will find this radio interview interesting and enlightening. Starting about 10 in it is the U tube of a radio interview the second of two with Tom Grier. Originally heard on Coast to Coast 

Very interesting to hear Tom talk about recent research done by MAYO Clinic confirming that the very early stages of MS show signs of inflammation/Infection in Cortex and Meninges before white matter lesions develop in the brain. This so fits with what is being found in Lyme and especially MS/Lyme.

Tom Grier has lectured on this subject many times and posts of some of his lectures can be found in my right hand side bar of this blog.

The photo is of the book Ending Denial which can be found through Can Lyme and is worth every penny and far more, it is relevant to a World wide audience not just for Canada.


  1. This is a link into details of the MAYO research mentioned by Tom Grier - 'The findings support the understanding that MS is primarily a disease of inflammation, not neurodegeneration, as some studies have recently suggested. '.

  2. Further research
    'Mass spectrometry (this term is spelled out or if preceded by LC or if referring to tandem mass spectrometry it appears as MS, italicized this to distinguish it from the disease multiple sclerosis which is abbreviated as MS non-italicized) based proteomics offers an effective tool to evaluate CSF proteins. Using advanced proteomic techniques, we have previously examined CSF collected from healthy controls [8], and two disease groups with confounding symptoms, chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) and neurologic post treatment Lyme disease syndrome (nPTLS) [9]. The proteomic results permitted separation of one disease from another. With high abundant protein depletion, liquid chromatographic (LC) peptide fractionation, and sensitive mass spectrometry detection, we identified 2,630 nonredundant proteins in normal CSF [8]. This has been the most comprehensive CSF protein analysis to date, reflecting the great sensitivity of our methods.

    In the current study we examined CSF collected during an attack from the earliest identifiable MS time-point.'
    Gray Matter Is Targeted in First-Attack Multiple Sclerosis
    The results support that gray matter dysfunction is involved early in MS, and also may be integral for the initial clinical presentation.

  3. And links to this interesting research
    What have we learned in GM imaging in MS?
    ▪ GM damage in MS is common and widespread, especially in chronic MS;

    ▪ The underlying pathological correlates of GM damage in MS are different from WM damage;

    ▪ GM pathology is present in all stages of the disease, but is more prominent in SPMS and PPMS compared to RRMS;

    ▪ Although a relatively non-specific measure of overall pathology, GM atrophy measurements are reliable and robust and correlate strongly with disability and cognitive impairment (more so than WM atrophy);

    ▪ Cortical lesions are of clinical relevance and are associated with a worse physical and cognitive performance;

    ▪ Cortical lesions have been difficult to visualize with conventional MRI, but due to newer imaging techniques (like DIR) lesion detection improved;

    ▪ Besides structural changes in the GM of MS patients, functional changes can be detected as well by using fMRI; this should shed more light on the relationship between functional and structural changes in the MS brain in future studies.
