Saturday, 12 June 2010


An Introduction to Testing and Treatment of Tick Borne Disease For Medical Professionals.

That was the title of the London ILADS conference today at the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists.

Today was an amazing day!

I was asked to help out at reception for the ILADS London conference and living within easy travelling distance I was honored to be asked.

I had the opportunity to spend some time listening to and seeing some of the presentations. They were ground breaking medical presentations from some of the World's top Lyme treating doctors.

Sarah did us proud in organising such a prestigious event and getting so many doctors together from USA, and Europe including the UK of course. The opportunity for these doctors to interact with the Lyme Doctors was I am sure of great benefit to them and in turn one day to the patients.

It was very sobering to see and hear the dedication so many of these doctors have in fighting these tick borne diseases and their co infections. It was quite obvious listening to the presentations how complex an illness most patients have and how multiply infected many patients are as well as noting what a wealth of knowledge is shared amongst the Lyme Doctors.

I am sure there will be some detailed feed back from the conference but I do want to express my thanks to Sarah for all she has done to drive this forward to such an obvious success. Lets hope this will be the first of many more to come.

My own chronic symptoms of Muscle weakness, Arthritis, Fatigue, Dysphagia and Peripheral Neuropathies which as my symptoms became progressively worse were diagnosed as Hormonal, Fibromyalgia, ME/CFS, Arthritis, Muscle Weakness, Musculo skeletal Disease, Polymyalgia Rheumatica, eventually improved when treated on long term antibiotics for Lyme Disease.

I only ever had a clinical diagnosis of Lyme Disease never had a positive blood test although the research does show that blood tests can miss up to 50% of cases.

Listening to these presentations today two things were apparent to me. One that although we with Lyme diagnosis have so many multi organ/systems affected there are so many similar symptoms. I found myself nodding to the list of symptoms described by Dr Corson and also many Dr Martz described, it had already occurred to me how many of my symptoms are similar to those patients with ME/CFS and other illnesses. In fact the only differences seem to be that I have got well on antibiotics.

The second thing that was apparent was the multiple infections discussed, really not just Lyme Disease but a multi complex illness including bacterial infections, viral infections, immune deficiencies and other co founders.

This ties in well to a post I did a few days ago that of the presentation by Amy Proal DON'T PALLIATATE, STIMULATE!

Perhaps we are at the turning point of moving into a new age in medicine!

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