Wednesday 16 December 2009


Do have a look at this blog Life as we know it. This excellent post on Yet more on CBT
"Inappropriate illness beliefs" is itself a type of ideology, a type of belief system. It requires the assumption that if there is no APPROVED objective test for a medical condition, then the condition must belong in the domain of psychiatry. In the history of medicine, the reverse has always been the case. Charcot's hysterics were epileptics and victims of third-stage syphillis. Women with hysterical paralysis turned out to have Multiple Sclerosis. "Cold Mother Syndrome" is now called autism.

Well worth a read and I find this blog interesting to follow.

I decided to respond :-

Such an excellent and informative post. I like to follow ME/CFS developments as this was my original diagnosis until it was found to be Lyme Disease.
There are so many parallels with these two illnesses and some patients may indeed have both how many of the sickest Lyme patients also have XMRV or visa versa.

However my reason for commenting is that the President of ILADS a psychiatrist presented at the Lyme Disease Action conference last year and what he had to say should be of interest to all Psychiatrists and also ME/CFS as well as Lyme patients. He is not the only Psychiatrist at the forefront of Lyme Disease research and developments. Dr Brian Fallon being another one. What a pity more don't follow their example. Please take time to look at the whole presentations through the following links.

• Chronic infections and immune reactions contribute to causing mental illness.
• Diagnosing and treating Lyme/tick-borne diseases and other infections and immune reactions from them are new treatment opportunities for mental illness.
• Since interaction between infections, the immune and nervous systems can cause mental illness, greater interaction is needed between infectious disease physicians, immunologists and practicing psychiatrists to more effectively treat mental illness.

From Controversy to Collaboration
• Psychoimmunologists don’t have to be convinced that infections cause immune dysfunction that in turn causes mental disorders. Some don’t understand brain physiology and need to listen more attentively to psychoimmunologists.
• Since interaction between the immune and nervous systems can cause mental illness, greater interaction is needed between immunologists and practicing psychiatrists.
• It is time to stop fighting each other and direct all our efforts towards fighting these diseases instead

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