Scientific Support for the Effectiveness of Treating Children Comorbid with Lyme Disease and Autism Spectrum Disorder
Mason Kuhn, MS & Robert C. Bransfield, MD
A preview and his slide show can be seen on the ILADS website here a further livestream event will be held for Europe on Saturday 8th December and 9th December details here
Mason's wife has started a blog of their son's journey - Our Lyme Autism Journey here with links to the published research from her husband Mason Kuhn and Dr Bransfield.
My simple summary of his presentation
Child A normal until 18 months
loss of all vocabulary, hand flapping - diagnosed with Autism
about a year later Mother with CFS diagnosis of many years gets diagnosed with Lyme Disease - Child A also gets diagnosed with Lyme Disease ( Dr Alan MacDonald has done studies and found Lyme Disease (Borrelia) in aborted fetus and also umbilical chord)
Amoxycillin antibiotics given to Child A within 10 days vocabulary returned and hand flapping ceased - other antibiotics were given later.
Someone in the audience asked the question about vaccination - I think the answer was that it was after his MMR vaccine that his Autism began.
My comments
There is quite a high incidents of mothers with CFS who have children with Autism.
Samuel Shor has published research about cases of CFS who actually have Lyme Disease - he also presents at ILADS conference on his CFS/Lyme research but there is a post on this blog to another presentation from Samuel Shor here
It is recognised that Lyme Disease can remain in our system for many years and then something can affect our immune system and act as a trigger so the patient becomes ill.
Testing for Lyme Disease is problematic
The true incidents of Lyme disease in the population is still not known - here in the UK several research papers suggest that it is likely far more than thought - some of these papers are mentioned on this blog. Health Protection Agency (HPA) recognise the true incidents is greater than those with positive serology and some experts suggest it could be 10x the numbers HPA collect.
I have posted previously about Treating Autism with antibiotics a study in France here
Dr Jones US has treated many children over many years with Lyme Induced Autism here
Dr Bhakta a Dan practitioner is also finding children with Autism respond to antibiotics here