Friday, 29 October 2010


Better Health Guy reports back from ILADS conference here

I was only able to watch a small part through the live Webcast so it was great to read Scott Forsgren's summary.

The slides from the event are available for purchase here for a very reasonable $40. The DVDs (Friday's sessions) and CDs of the presentations can be obtained from ZenWorks Productions.

Below are just a tiny selection that caught my eye from Scott's excellent blog post.

Dr. Richard Horowitz proposed that Chronic Lyme is really MCIDS - Multiple Chronic Infectious Disease Syndrome

Dr. Joe Burrascano shared: New pathogens will likely continue to be discovered such as XMRV / HGRV
In chronic Lyme patients, 100% may be XMRV / HGRV positive

Eva Sapi, PhD talked about the many exciting projects that her team is doing:
They are looking for XMRV in ticks to see if the retrovirus may be transmitted by tick exposure
They did some excellent research showing Samento + Banderol + Serrapeptase (all from NutraMedix) had very significant biofilm eliminating effects

Dr. Joe Brewer spoke on the topic of XMRV:
In one autism study, all mothers tested were XMRV positive and many of them expressed symptoms of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome or Fibromyalgia
In a small sample of MS (4), Parkinson's (1), and ALS (1) patients, 100% of those tested were positive for XMRV
In chronic Lyme disease, over 90% of those tested were positive for XMRV

During Q&A, Dr. Fishman acknowledged the politics involved in Lyme disease. He suggested that XMRV may be the pathway that we should pursue in order to benefit ourselves

But much much more at Better Health Guy here

1 comment:

  1. XMRV was found to be a lab contaminant read Hilary Joghnson's article
